CEC - Water, Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change
He holds a Bachelor of Education Arts and a Higher Diploma in Strategic and Resource Management.
He has over ten years’ experience in HRM in senior positions both in government and private sector.
This sector comprises water and sanitation, Environment, Energy, Natural Resources And Climate Change sub-sectors.the sectors mandate is to ensure adequate clean and reliable supply of water, effective supply and adoption in the usage of anew able sources of energy and protection of the environment from all forms of pollution and destruction.
To be a leading sector in the conservation, management and development of energy, water ,environment and natural resources for sustainable development.
To provide a coordinating for sustainable water resources management and energy reticulation through enhanced sector performance which ensures excess to water reliable sanitation, protection of the environment use of green energy and creation of wealth and employment.
the goal of the is to reverse the declining trend of water availability, increase access
and sanitation, increase electricity coverage, promote use of green energy and conserve the environment for sustainable development.
- Environment and natural resources
Cell phone.0732318380
a) Implementation of strategies plan and setting of per romance targets
b) Handling technical of human resources
c) Budget and asset management
d) Policy formation and implementation
e) Evaluation and monitoring of environment and natural resources projects within the county.
f) Restoration and cooperation ecosystem
1. Issuing of environmental permits
2. Environmenta; preparation and cooperating
3. Environmental education
4 .Undertaking county E/IA(Environmental impact assessments and environmental of the county projects.
5. Environmental conflict resolution.
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GAOL: Formation of policy and strategies of achieving goals of energy
Key responsibilities
a) Ensuring efficiency and effective planning and condition of related to energy.
b) Initiating of new projects in liaison with other institution in promotion of energy in the county
c) Provide linkage with other institutions provision of energy.
d) Co-ordination and encouragement of research and training relate to energy.
e) Control and ensuring integrity of county energy programs and projects.
f) Alternating ex-official in implementation boards and committees and other presentation as assigned by the chief office.
Services Under Energy
1. Energy reticulation service from the national grid.
2. Solar energy development.
3. Bio energy development (biogas, bioethical) a ............for purposes of energy.
4. mini-girid hydro power generation
5. Home solar system development
6. Ensure energy efficiency inspection and audit.
7 wind energy development.
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a) Assignment of work, check and manage work allocated to staff under water directorate
b) Coordination of work related t o water and sanitation within the county
c) Formulate water control guidelines in accordance with the provisions of water act.
d) Review appropriate improvements to the water policy in the county.
e) Coordinate, design activities including preparation of specification in tender contracts.
f) Coordinate water supply and sanitation daily operations in the county
g) Supervise of water and sanitation daily operations at the county.
h) Supervise of water and sanitation projects within the county.
Name: Anne Monyenye Omwoyo
PF No.: 20140106707
Designation: Director Climate Change
Duties and responsibilities:
1) To serve as secretary to the County Climate Change Steering Committee.
2) To provide analytical support on climate change to various sector departments and agencies.
3) To establish and manage a county registry for appropriate climate change mitigation actions by private and public entities.
4) To collate, verify, refine and disseminate knowledge and information on climate change.
5) To collaborate with other agencies of the national and county governments in identifying, developing, coordinating and optimizing strategies of climate change.
6) To coordinate adherence to the county, national and international obligations including associated reporting requirements on matters climate change.
7) To coordinate implementation of gender and inter-generational climate change education, consultation and learning at the sub county and ward levels.
8) To provide technical assistance on matters climate change.
To perform any other duties as may be assigned by immediate supervisor.
The directorate’s mandate is to promote, coordinate, mainstream and sustain climate smart interventions in order to foster climate resilience, adaption and mitigation, by the use of climate risk information as a tool for policy formulation and low carbon development planning.
Core functions
1. Provide analytical support on climate change to the various sector departments and agencies;
2. Establish and manage a county registry for appropriate adaptation and mitigation actions by private and public entities;
3. To serve as the county knowledge and information management section for collating, verifying, refining, and disseminating knowledge and information on climate change;
4. In collaboration with other agencies of the national and county governments;
a. Identify low carbon development strategies and coordinate related measurements, reporting and verification;
b. Develop strategies and coordinate actions for building resilience to climate change and enhance adaptive capacity;
c. Optimize the county’s opportunities to mobilize climate finance.
5. Coordinate adherence to the county, national and international obligations including associated reporting requirements on matters climate change;
6. Coordinate implementation of gender and intergenerational climate change education, consultation and learning at the sub county and ward levels;
7. Enhance sourcing and dissemination of climate smart technologies
8. Integrate and mainstreaming of Climate Change interventions into other programs
9. Carry out capacity building and awareness creation on climate change
Strategic Objectives of the Unit
The Department operates under the following five (4) strategic objectives:
a. Enhancing climate-smart technologies for scaling up climate adaptation and mitigation for sustainable development.
b. Integrating and mainstreaming low carbon resilient growth pathway for Kisii County
c. Mobilization and coordination of resources for climate change programs from public and private entities.
d. Enhancing effective participatory planning, monitoring and evaluation (PM&E) for all Climate Change programs
Policy and legal framework
The Kisii County Climate Change Act, 2021 provides institutional arrangements for climate change coordination, financing and implementation of recommended resilience measures.
The Kisii County Climate Change Fund Regulations, 2021 that provides for procedures for management, operations and winding up of the Fund, and for planning of climate change response interventions to be funded by it.
The Kisii County Climate Change Policy, 2019 recognizes the multidisciplinary and cross-cutting nature of climate change, both in terms of disciplines and sectors and recommends mainstreaming of climate actions into all sectors.