Make Kisii County Public Service Board a world class constitutional body in the provision of nationally competitive human resources that meet the needs of the Kisii County. In exercising our functions as provided for in the constitution it shall not be directed or controlled by any other persons or authority.
Functions of the County Public Service Board
(i) Establish and abolish Offices in the County Public service
(ii) Appoint persons to hold or act in offices of the County Public service including in the boards of cities and urban areas within the County and to confirm appointments.
(iii) Exercise disciplinary control over, and remove, persons holding or acting in those Offices.
(iv) Prepare regular reports for submission to the County Assembly on the execution of the functions of the Board.
(v) Promote in the County Public service the values and principles referred to in Article 10 and 232 of the Constitution:
(vi) Evaluate and report to the County assembly on the extent to which the values and principles referred to in Articles 10 and 232 of the Constitution are complied with in the County Public service.
(vii) Facilitate the development of coherent, integrated human resource planning and budgeting for personnel emoluments in counties
(viii) Advise the County government on human resource management and development:
(ix) Advise County government on implementation and monitoring of the national performance management system in counties;
(x) Make recommendations to the Salaries and Remuneration Commission, on behalf of the County Government, on the remuneration, pensions and gratuities for County Public service employees.
Our immediate priorities will include audit of the current staffing position, harmonizing the pay structure of different cadres of staff in the County, that is, civil service, local government and the water service board. The board will also urgently fill vacant positions in the County Public Service.
In the medium term, we will undertake capacity building exercises for all public servants in the County. In the long term, we will develop an effective succession planning for the County.