Tender advert for construction, upgrading and routine maintenance of roads and bridges

Kisii County Government wishes to advertise tenders for construction, upgrading and routine maintenance of roads and bridges as below:
- Construction of box culvert at Riotanchi – Bonyaoro - Riayubu road Bomorenda ward (Bonchari)
- Routine maintenance of DO's office – Riakangusu – Subugo/Simiti junction road
- Routine maintenance of Kebege - Nyamboga - Misesi road
- Construction of box culvert at Kiorori – Nyamwansu – Riakameri road Tabaka ward (South Mogirango)
- Proposed upgrading of Kisii main stage Getare road to bitumen standards
- Construction of box culvert at Nyagisai coffee factory Nyakoe ward (Kitutu Chache South)
- Routine maintenance of Nyamasibi - Bogonko disp - Bongonta road
Duly completed bid documents should be enclosed in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked with the tender number and tender name addressed to the undersigned and/or be deposited in the tender box located at County Treasury Block A so as to be received on or before 14th December, 2017 at 11am