Tender notice-prequalification and AI equipment supply tender advert

Wednesday, 08 November 2017
Tender notice-prequalification and AI equipment supply tender advert

Kisii County Government invites applications for pre-qualification of Service Providers for provision of works, goods and services for the financial years 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 for the categories listed in the attached advert

The County Government further invites applications for supply and distribution of semen, liquid nitrogen and other artificial insemination equipment

Further details are available in the attached documents

Tender for supply and distribution of semen, liquid nitrogen and other artificial insemination equipment, suppliers are required to attach copy of relevant certificate of registration with Kenya veterinary board and be a qualified distributor for the Kenya animal genetic resource center. The document contains other requirements.

Completed Pre-qualification documents in plain sealed envelopes bearing the tender number and category but with no indication of the tenderer name should be posted to the undersigned address or be placed in the tender box situated at County Treasury, Block ‘A’ so as to be received not later than Thursday 23rd November, 2017 at 10:00am.

Submitted documents will be opened publicly in the presence of candidates or their authorized representatives who choose to attend on Thursday 23rd November, 2017 at 10:00am at the Kisii County Government offices, the County Treasury Premises Block “A” at the same time. Late submissions shall be rejected.

Preference shall be given to women, youth and persons with disability for 30% of the Procurement Opportunities in the County.



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  • Created
    Wednesday, 08 November 2017
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Veterinary advert document.pdf