Tender notice (Re-advertisement)

Friday, 09 October 2015
Tender notice (Re-advertisement)

The County Government of Kisii wishes to invite sealed bids from eligible contractors for the construction and completion of the proposed Works as per the attached advert

Deadline : 27th October, 2015 10:00AM



  • Version
  • Created
    Friday, 09 October 2015
File name Download
Tender advert.pdf
BQs for grading and graveling of ATC parking area and shade.pdf
BQs for ATC retreat center.pdf
BQs for Marani town hall.pdf
BQs for Nyamache gravity projects.pdf
BQs for rehabilitation of Mokubo Wetland.pdf
BQs for Rianyasera gravity projects.pdf
BQs for Suguta water scheme.pdf
BQs for ward office - Boikanga ward.pdf
BQs for ward office - Bomorenda ward.pdf
BQs for ward office - Borabu ward.pdf
BQs for ward office - Keumbu ward.pdf
BQs for ward office - Machoge ward.pdf
BQs for ward office - Masige East ward.pdf
BQs for ward office - Masimba ward.pdf
BQs for ward office - Nyacheki ward.pdf
BQs for ward office - Nyatieko ward.pdf
BQs for ward office - Riana ward.pdf
BQs for ward office - Sengera Bosoti ward.pdf