Kisii County Governor Hon. Simba Arati delivered his inaugural speech before the county assembly.
The governor reiterated his quest to fulfill promises he made to the people of Kisii county during the campaigns despite challenges facing not only the county, but also the nation at large.
The governor said he was determined to ensure a united county and country following the just concluded general elections.
“The task before us is not only a huge one but is also coupled with many challenges facing our nation, and we must shoulder this burden. The challenges include reuniting our people, because we have just emerged out of a highly charged political season. We are collectively inheriting a battered economy characterized by a high cost of living. Furthermore, the current environment is one of diminishing income returns for millions of households, and lower returns on investment for entrepreneurs and investors,” said the Governor.
Arati reminded the house of its constitutional mandate of legislation, representation and oversight adding that the house must operate within the mandate in order to serve wananchi effectively.
He announced that the department of Planning is in the process of finalizing the Annual Development Plan (ADP) for this financial year adding that public participation for the same is set to begin at the ward level.
“The ADP is our road map to service delivery hence there is need to pay close attention to the ratio of funds allocated to development versus funds allocated to recurrent expenditure. We must minimize the latter and maximize the former,” said the Governor.
Governor Arati said that his administration will ensure that every single shilling allocated for development is utilized for that very purpose.
At the same time, the Governor noted that the preparation of the County Budget Review Outlook Paper (CBROP) and the Fiscal Strategy Paper (FSP) will be finalized this year in October and February next year respectively.
The county budget review and outlook paper (CBROP) provides a review of economic and fiscal developments in the previous year, updated medium-term economic and financial projections since approval of the most recent county fiscal strategy paper budget ceilings for the coming year.
“The paper also summarizes the rate of revenue collection and sector program spending for the county government. It also summarizes the rate of revenue collection and sector program spending for the county government,” said Arati who was accompanied by senator Richard Onyonka.
He emphasized that the policy documents are important because a government cannot achieve good service delivery for the people without proper resource allocation and fiscal discipline.
“This is not just about how we use money; this is about how we improve our people’s lives, and how we ensure that every Kenyan living in Kisii county leads a dignified life,” he stressed.
Governor Arati told the house that the county has a number of pending bills as opposed to the meager resources received from the national treasury.
He stressed the need to review the outstanding pending bills with a view of coming up with a roadmap of settling outstanding deserving cases.
“Contractors and suppliers who have transacted with the county government within the legal procurement framework will be paid; those who have not, my government will not honor their payment claims.” said the Governor.