The sports sector was established through a presidential decree in 1987 and came into being in 1988. The department is headed by the sports director and Sports Officers at the county and sub county level respectively
The Kisii County government recognizes the importance of sports in building capacities both ion individuals and communities that enable them to participate effectively in socio-economic development. Engagement in sports is important in nurturing and sustaining good health.
It plays a key role in poverty reduction through creation of direct employment and related investment opportunities and is also an important vehicle for information dissemination on matters of national interest. Sports also play a key role in creating opportunities for individuals and communities to play and work together thus creating a cohesive society that is an essential base for a strong and prosperous nation.
Kisii county is endowed with talented women and men who need to be nurtured and exposed to competition for purpose of realizing optimum potential value.Kisi conty is home to world Renown atheletes like Nyantika maiyoro,Naftali Temu who were among the first Kenyan to win an Olympic gold medals .Benard asati,Robert ouko,yobes ondieki and many others.
Kisii county sits right at the centre of the Western Kenya tourist circuit that includes the Tabaka Soapstone Carvings, Maasai Mara Game Reserve, Lambwe Valley Game Reserve and the entire Lake Victoria basin. The town continues to serve these former districts, the larger South Nyanza County and the Trans Mara area of western Narok County in terms of commerce.
Football (soccer) of national league status is played at Gusii Stadium and other surrounding grounds. Shabana Football Club is based in Kisii town and has been a popular soccer club in kisii county and is featured in the Kenya national wide league together with Raiders and Kisero hunters.Five football clubs are at the provincial level and eighteen at the district level.
Track sports such as athletics meetings are popular with the town's residents and Gusiiland in general. Such meetings are held during schools' and colleges' sports season in mid year. Other forms of sport in town include Volleyball, Basketball and Netball which attract a diverse participation yearly, respectively. Gusii Stadium has been a popular venue for these meetings for many years now.
Lastly, golf is mainly played by middle or upper income residents who are members of the Kisii Golf & Sports Club, a private members' club in the municipality.
To be the leaders in promoting sports for all
To mobilize, sensitize and provide direction for Kenyans to participate in sports for recreation, good health, competition, career development and as an industry.
Core Values
- Honesty ,integrity and works ethics
- Innovativeness and creativity
- Professionalism ,teamwork and excellence
- Inclusiveness
- Justice and fairness
- Accountability and transparency
- Customer orientation
- Formulating and implementing policy on sports
- Evaluating and monitoring County Government on all aspects of sports
- Recommending the issuance of visas, passports and other travel documents to athletes and sports officials.
- Mobilizing and encouraging Kisii county people to participate in sport.
- Giving recommendation to the ministry of finance on tax debates and waivers on donated sports goods, equipments and prizes and other concessions.
- Facilitating active participation of Gusii people in national sporting activities
- Collaborating with local authorities , leaning institutions and other stake holders concerned with sports and recreating in searching identifying and developing talent provision of sport equipment , facilities and technical training
- Providing advisory and counseling services to athletes
- Encouraging patriotism and national pride through sports