To be the leading organization of excellence in sustaining forest management and conservation globally
To enhance conservation through sustainable management and utilization of forests and allied resources for environmental stability and socio-economic development of the county.
To provide for the establishment, development and sustainable management, including conservation and rational utilization of forest resources for environmental protection and socio-economic development of the county.
Core functions
- To sustainably manage natural forests for social, economic and environmental benefits
- Increase productivity of industrial forest plantations and enhance efficiency in woo utilization.
- Create awareness of forest values and products
- Promote farm forestry, dry lands forestry and commercial tree farming
- Promote efficient utilization and marketing of forest products
- To protect forestry resources and KFS property
- To develop and maintain essential infrastructure for effective forest management and protection.
Core Values
- Adherence to Scientific principles and professionalism
- Integrity and ethics
- Promote Partnerships
- Promote Team work
- Prudent management of resources
- Promote Gender and equity
- Pursue meritocracy, creativity and innovation
Our Customer & Co-operating Partners
Our aim is to meet the needs of our customers efficiently and in a most cost effective manner and to help our customers use the county’s forest resources in the most beneficial way both to the county Government, the wider society and to the environment. Our key customers include but not limited to:
- Communities and land owners e.g. community forest associations, organized community groups, farmers, pastorilists and commercial tree growers.
- Private Sector e.g. licensees, concessionaires, saw miller, eco-tourism based enterprises, Small and Medium Enterprises and Suppliers
- Non Government Organizations (local and international)
- Development partners (governmental and non-governmental)
- Government agencies, local authorities and parastatals
- The General public
- Service providers
Service and Commitments to Our Customers
Forest Extension Services |
Sales of forest and allied products
Regulatory services |
Commercial and advisory services |
KFS will develop model tree nursery in the administrative District in Kenya |
- Establish strong institutions and elaborate structures to enhance productivity and efficiency.
- Sustainably manage natural forests for social, economic and environmental benefits
- Increase productivity of industrial forest plantations and enhance efficiency in wood utilization
- Promote farm forestry, commercial tree farming, efficient utilization and marketing of forest products
- Promote sustainable management of forests in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs)
- Create awareness of the forests values and products.
- Develop and maintain essential infrastructure for effective forest management and protection.
- Develop manpower for the forestry and related sectors.
- Develop appropriate technologies in forest management and information
- Collaborate in forest research, dissemination and action plan of research findings.
- Mainstream monitoring and evaluation in all programmes.
- To promote national interest in relation to international forest related conventions and principles.
- To promote ecotourism, community enterprises and diversification of revenue streams from forest products.
- To enhance forest health and protection.
- To promote partnership with stakeholders.
a) Implementation of national policies that are applicable to county forests.
b) Formulation of county level specific by-laws and legislation.
c) Development and implementation of county forest management plans.
d) Identification and setting a part of land for forest reservation, development and creation of county forests.
e) Development of nature based enterprises within county forests.
f) Forestation and rehabilitation of fragile and degraded ecosystem/forest in community lands.
g) Liaision with lead agencies/stakeholders in forest sector at the county.
h) Issuance of operation license within the private farms and county forests in community lands.
i) Intra-county conflict management on county forest resources and farm forestry
j) Promotion of public private partnership management practice in county forests.
k) Maintenance of county forest and farm forestry records, databases and information .
l) Collection and management of county forest and farm forestry revenue.
m) Community awareness creation
n) Promotion of tree planting in community, private and county lands.
- o) Increasing tree cover in private , community and county lands
p) Provision of forestry extension services in the county
q) Development and maintenance of county forest infrastructure.
r) Development of charcoal industry (promotion/use) within county forests and private farms.
s) Development of urban forestry programs within the counties
t) Enforcement of forest legislation within the county forests and private farms.
u) Management of county forests