Headed by: Mr. Daniel Ondabu Nyakundi - CEC
This is one of the 10 departments in the Kisii County Government charged with responsibility of ensuring effective delivery of both headquarter and field administrative services. It also has a mandate of ensuring effective corporate governance of Kisii County Government and stakeholder management.
A leading department in public policy formulation, implementation, coordination, supervision and prudent resource management.
To provide overall leadership and policy direction in resource mobilization, management and accountability for quality public service delivery.
Core values
- Transparency: Full disclosure of financial and non-financial information
- Accountability: Ensuring that management is effective and oversees by appointing independent and competent governing officers.
- Fairness: Equitable treatment of stakeholders
- Responsibility: Ensuring the county fulfills its proper role in society.
Core functions
- Special Program Policies
- County Policing Authority
- Administration
- Coordination of decentralized units- urban and rural areas.
- Communication
- Stakeholders Management
- County Security
- Disaster Management and emergency response coordination
- Follow up of the Implementation of County & National Policies
- County Forums
- Corporate Services
- Coordinate participation of Communities in governance at the local level
Sector priorities
- Construction of County Offices
- Purchase of ICT networking and communication equipment
- Installation of County website and other communication services
- County media services
- Consultancy Services
- Establish Administrative Units
- Develop service delivery framework
- Coordinate participation of Communities in governance at the local level
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