OVOP Programme



One Village One Product (OVOP) is a project designed specifically for regional Development. The project is expected to address most of the challenges facing local communities in exploitation of locally available resources. The key aim of the project is to mobilize local communities for commercial utilization of locally available resources for local and international markets.


To be the best catalyst for sustainable community Development in Kenya


To create sustainable communities through improving locally available resources to produce globally competitive products

Principles of OVOP Programme

Three key guiding concept of One Village One Product movement are;

 1.   Think Globally, Act Locally

The need for people to recognize the locally available resources in their community and develop them into globally marketable products by adding value to them.

  2.   Self-reliance  and Creativity

For the sustainability of the people to compete in the global society the people need to continuously flourish their own unique value with their creative spirit.

 3.   Human Resources Development

Through OVOP movement, community leaders qualified human resources and networks are created for sustainable community Development.

In Kisii Region the District Industrial Development Office has been working with the local community. Some of the achievements have been in form of trainings conducted, exhibitions, organized, information shared through networking on issues such as:

-Patenting, financing, quality standards etc. and increased markets through international linkages and offering Business Development Services we visit OVOP groups.

-The Ministry has received support through other government departments and collaborating partners such as Micro finance institutions, who when called upon to participate in seminars, trainings, do avail themselves.